Looking for a new role?
Check us out!

If a position isn’t open, you can still send us your credentials for consideration and review. We will reach out when a position opens!

Welcome to Discovery Horse at Dandelion Farm!  It is our most sincere desire to offer a space for those in need of belonging, learning, and healing - and we have intentionally crafted a therapeutic farm environment with this in mind.  We are NeuroRelational Coaches working with individuals, families, and agencies in and around Fort Ripley MN in order to bring together a healing community.

Discovery Horse is a behavioral health and mental wellness agency located on a beautiful farm in Minnesota offering multiple approaches to healing individuals, families, and whole systems. Discovery Horse (DH) routinely collaborates with local children’s and adult mental health agencies to provide coaching and behavioral health interventions that conceptualizes healing in the context of the whole person, their relationships, and their environment.

Discovery Horse believes that engaging an individual’s support system and providing consistency in relationship and services invites lasting change in healing and behavioral change, specifically with youth/individuals who have extensive trauma histories. When youth/families join our program they are being invited into a community, along with allies and advocates who will dive into ‘life' with them and be part of their support system. 

When you join the Discovery Horse team, regardless of your position, you become part of that community.

Although we might not have the position you’re interested in available today, we’d still like to hear from you!

Check out the job descriptions below by clicking on the image of each title you are interested in. Once you’ve confirmed your skill set aligns, click the button below to connect, fill out a brief form and be added to our hiring list!

If you have questions or need assistance with the open roles link above, please email office@discoveryhorse.com.

If a position is open, you’ll find the official online application here! We recommend using a computer to fill out this version of the app.