Jan. 26th March 1st Being With : A Course for Parents of Kids with Big Baffling BehaviorsCourse created by: Robyn Gobbel10 Courses - 20 Hours of Content - Community - Invaluable Tools Feb. 2nd March 8th Feb. 9th March 15th Feb. 16th March 22nd Feb. 23rd March 29th Fill in the form below to save your seat! Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### How did you hear about this course? * Who is in your household/family (relationship and their age)? Will any co-parenting partners be attending? If yes, please tell us the relationship to parenting partner along with their name, email and phone number. * ONE Parent is included in the cost of the course. Any additional will need to pay the course fee. What age are the child(ren) that bring you to Being With? * What big, baffling behaviors are you experiencing with your child/children? * Share what is drawing you to this course... * What are you hoping to walk away with at the end of this series? * What are areas of parenting you feel confident in? * What areas of parenting do you feel you have room for growth and expansion? * Are there any specific cultural or contextual factors that you believe might influence your experience in the course, or that you would like the facilitators to be aware of? * Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your parenting experience? * As a Being With: The Parent Course participant, I acknowledge this course is NOT therapy or a replacement for therapy. It is a course that will help me gain scientific based information regarding myself as a parent, my child/ren and our relationship. * Yes, I agree and acknowledge my particiapation in this course is not therapy. No, I do not agree. I need more information about how this course is different from therapy. Do you have any questions that we can answer for you? Please type them in the box below. * The focus of this workshop is for participants to learn the course concepts and material for personal use only. This is not a train-the-trainer program. If you wish to be trained to use the material professionally, you must complete the Being With program offered by Robyn Gobbel. * Yes, I understand. Thank you for filling out our questionnaire! We look forward to hosting you in the Being With Course January - March 2024! If you have any questions, please email office@discoveryhorse.com.